Accouncing our annual Scholarship Program!  

Thanks to the fabulous work done by our Scholarship Committee, we are offering 3 HS scholarships and 2 MS scholarships starting this year.  If you have a child that attends Propel and is a senior at one of the 3 Propel High Schools, or is a Propel student in grades 6-8 and is attending a summer educational program and would like to apply, they can apply via this Google Forms below.

Educators ARE the Pennsylvania State Education Association

PSEA is 178,000 members strong – a community of education professionals who make a difference in the lives of Pennsylvania’s students every day.

PSEA members are teachers, education support professionals, higher education staff, nurses in health care facilities, retired educators, and college students preparing to become teachers.

PSEA’s strength comes not only from our members, but from our beliefs, our values, and our passion. Every time we speak up for what we believe, we harness the power of collective action.


PSEA provides a voice in your local and state associations:

✔ The ability to provide input into negotiations of local association contracts that determine salaries, benefits, and protections on the job.

✔ The right to vote on the ratification of local association contracts that determine salaries, benefits, and protections on the job.

✔ The opportunity to hold local, region, or state office and influence the direction of your local and state associations and public education in Pennsylvania.

✔ Membership in the largest and most influential public-sector union in Pennsylvania, where members join their voices to protect our pensions, salaries, benefits, and working conditions. 

✔ Membership in the most powerful education association in Pennsylvania, where members join together to advocate for school funding increases, less time spent on standardized tests, school safety initiatives, protections from subcontracting threats, and better educator evaluation rules. 

PSEA protects member rights:

✔ It’s important as PSEA members to understand your rights in the workplace. Educators and support professionals have basic legal rights to safe, healthy, and fair conditions at work.

✔ You have the right to form, join, and support unions. You are protected from employer and union discrimination, also known as unfair labor practices.

✔ PSEA’s Legal Division will defend your rights and help to make sure your rights as a school employee are protected. If you feel that your rights have been threatened, contact your UniServ representative. 

Visit PSEA's website to learn more.